Art [updated 08.29.04]

artists, artwork, and art collectives

Barbelith | Beehive Collective | Brooklyn Artists Alliance | Sam McPheeters | Jack Saturn


Anonymous Juice | Anti-Social Brat | Big Bloodbath of Excitement | Casting Shadows in a Junkyard | Counter Theory | Fearsome Atheist Zine | Friction Magazine | The Hatemonger | HeartattaCk | Held Like Sound | Hodgepodge | Invisible City | I Stand Alone | Last Revolt | Muddle | Open Letters | Slave Mag | Ted Dansen Modeling School

comic books

Allred | Avengers Assemble! | Battle Chasers [official site | Battle Chaser's Realm | webring] | Bone | CBR | Cerebus | Cerebus the Gopher | Charest | Crimson | Crisis on Infinite Earths | Dark Horse Comics | Derfcity | Dreamwave Productions | Ellis | Gaimen | Green Lantern Corps | Groo | The Invisibles | Marvel Books | The Master List | Maxx [1 | 2] | McCloud | Mignola | Miller | Moore [ Fansite | Twilght | V for Vendetta | Watchmen] | Nausicaä | Poison Elves | Red Meat | Ross | Savage Dragon | Sin City | Slave Labor Graphics | Stranger in Paradise | Suicide Squad | Top Shelf Publishing | Wagner | Warp Graphics | Windsor-Smith | Words & Pictures Museum

straight books

Clive Barker [Lost Souls | Revelations] | Dante | Franken | Gemmell [Gemmell Mania | Quinn | Shannow's Lair] | Salvatore | The Wheel of Time


Absolute Anime | Akira | G. I. Joe | He-Man | Mysterious Cities of Gold | Ninja Scroll | Princess Mononoke | Right Stuff | Simpsons | Space Ghost | Thundercats (Blundercats) | Transformers (webring | Encyclopedia) Vampire Hunter D


Clive Barker (Nightbreed webring) | Bruce Campbell | Excalibur | Lord of the Rings | Magnolia | Kevin Smith | Star Wars (Rebel Scum | Porkins fansite) | Willow


The Kids in the Hall (webring | Headcrusher's Ball) | The State (Statemedia) | Tenacious D/Mr. Show