Updated 09.23.04
Madeline Adams | Alice in Chains | Anomie | Assück | Avail | Baxter | The Beets | Behead the Prophet No
Lord Shall Live | Birthright | Bjork |
Black Star | Born Against | The Broadways | Brother Inferior | Burn It Down | Carrie
Nations | Catharsis |
Chokehold | Chopsley | Circle Takes the
Square | City of
Caterpillar | The Cranberries | Culture | Day of Suffering | Dead Prez | Dear Diary I Seem to Be Dead | Devo | Dido | Disembodied | Earth Crisis | Embrace | The Faeries | Faith No
More | The Filth | Fingerprint | Former Members of Alfonsin | Fracture | Frail | The Futureheads | Gathered Here |
Gehenna | Gorilla Biscuits |
The Gorillaz | Grey Before Green | Greyhouse |
Groundwork | Hatchback | His Hero is Gone
| I Hate Myself | Inside Out | Irony of Lightfoot | Jasmine | J-Live | Kill the Man Who
Questions | Kill the
Slavemaster | Talib Kweli | Cyndi Lauper | Lawrence Arms | Left for Dead |
Madonna | Mad Season | Majority Rule | Malady | Memento Mori | Minor Threat | Missile
Command | Morser | Mos Def | Mr.
Bungle | Nirvana | One Eyed God Prophecy | Page Ninety-Nine | Palatka | Para la
Guerra | Pearl Jam | Polyphonic
Spree | Prevail | Prick | Public Enemy | Rage Against the Machine
| The Refused | Reversal of Man | Rites of Spring | Rorschach | Shyster | Sigur Ros | Sons of Abraham | Soophie Nun
Squad | Soundgarden | The Spectacle | Takaru | Talk is Poison | Teen Cthulu |
Teen Idles | Tem Eyos Ki | Templars | Temple of the Dog |
This is My Fist | This Scares Me | Torches to Rome | Tragedy |
Tripping Daisy | Tuesday | Two Gallants | Umlaut | Upheaval | Kanye West | The Who | Zegota
Agitprop! Records | AK Press | Autonomatic | Bug Empire | Catalyst | Clean Plate | Council | Crimes Against Humanity | CrimethInc. | Dead Tank Distro |
Dim Mak | Dischord | Doomed Youth | Ebullition | Electric Human Project | Emogeddan Records | File-13 | Hanger 19 | Hardcore Holocaust | Havoc | Happy
Couples Never Last | HG
Fact | Hydra Head | IFB | Immigrant Sun | Insane Society | Level Plane | McCarthyism | Monument Records | Mountain Collective | No Idea Records | Now Or Never Records | plus/minus | Revelation | Robotic Empire | Rock & Roleplay | Second Nature Recordings | Slap a Ham Records | Sound Pollution | Stick Figure Distro | Stonehenge | Trash Art | Vivisick | Web of Mimicry
- Abe Froman |
[vegan straightedge] Abnegation | Acme | Acrid | [pre-no idea] Against Me
| A Hunger Artist | Akimbo | Amebix | An Albatross | Alli with an I | Ananda | Angels Never Answer | Anthem 88 |
As Friends Rust | As Hope Dies | Asschapel | Assembly of God | Asshole Parade | Astrid
Oto | Atom & His Package |
At the Drive-in | Aus Rotten |
- Backstabbers Incorporated |
Back-Up Plan | Back When | The Bananas | Beauty Pill | Benumb | BG |
Bikini Kill | Blacken the Skies | Black Masks for Secrecy | Blackout Terror | Black Sabbath | Blatz | Bleed | Bloodpact | Blur | Book of Dead Names | Books Lie | Born Dead Icons |
Botch | Braid | Bratmobile | Brazilia | Bread & Circuits | Bread & Water | Bright Calm Blue | Brujeria | Burn the Priest
- Caligari | Cap'n Jazz | Capitalist Casualties | Cattle Decapitation | Cavity | Chain of Strength | Charles Bronson | Charm City Suicides | Choke Their Rivers with
Our Dead | Christopher Robin | Circle of Dead Children |
Cleveland Bound Death Sentence | Clotted
Symmetrical Sexual Organs | Coalesce
| Cobra Kai | Code
Thirteen | Combatwoundedveteran | Coming to an End | Common Man | Compassionate
Revolution | Communist
Conspiracy Rhythms | Contra | Countdown to Oblivion | Countdown to Putsch
| Crass | Cream Abdul Babar | Creation is Crucifixion | Crimson Curse | Crucial Unit | Curl Up & Die
- Dahmer | Darkest Hour | Darkthrone | The Daughters | Dawn Treader | Deadguy | Dead Things | Death is Your Language | Deathreat
| De La Hoya | Del Cielo | Demon System 13 | The Devil is Electric | Devoid of
Faith | Devola | Discharge |
Discount | Diskonto | Dispensing of
False Halos | Downcast | Downpour | Dragbody | Dropdead | Drowning in
Lethe | Dystopia
- Eat a Bag of Dicks | Eclipse of Eden |
Econochrist | Egg Hunt | Employer, Employee |
Endeavor | End of the Century Party | Enemy Soil | Enewetak | Envy | Esteem | Every Waking Moment |
Examination of the... | Exit 86 | Exosus | Explosivo | Extinction of Mankind |
Eyes of Verotika
- Fagatron |
Faith | Fantomas | Fate of Icarus | Festival
of Dead Deer | Five Fingers Half a
Hand | Fiya | The Fleshies |
F-Minus | Forced Fed Glass |
Franklin | From Ashes Rise | Fuck Work | Fugazi | Funeral Diner
- Garuda | The Get Hustle | Get Up Kids | Ghost Mice | Godspeed, You Black
Emperor | The Grumpies
- Hadaka Matsuri | Hail
Mary | Hal Al Shedad | Half Man | Handshake Murders | Harriet
the Spy | Harum Sacrum | Hassan I
Sabbah | Hawg Jaw | Head Pro | Hellnation | Hero of a
Hundred Fights | Heroin | Himsa | Horizon | Horse the Band | How to Beat a Dead Horse |
- Ice Cube | Iconoclast | Indecision
| The Impossibles | Impractical Cockpit | The Index | Index for a
Potential Suicide | In/Humanity | Initial State | The Insides | The
Insurgent | Ire | It's a Fucking Trap! | Ivitch
- Jack Kovorkian & the Suicide Machines | Jara | Jien-Beta | Jiyuna | Johnny X & the Groadies | Justice
- Kaospilot | Keelhaul | Kid
Dynamite | Kids in the Service of Satan | Kid 606 | Kids
of Widney High | Kilara | Kill Devil Hills | Kill Your Idols | Kontraataque | Kudzu Wish | Kung-fu Rick
- Land Whale | The Last 40 Seconds | Latterman |
Leopolds | Less
Than Jake | Lickgoldensky | Lie |
Lightning Bolt | Light the Fuse &
Run | X Limp Wrist X | Living Under Lies | Lords of Lightspeed | Los Crudos | Lucky Pierre
- Mannequin | Manner Farm | Man is the Bastard | Man or
Astroman? | Mara'akte | Marginal Man |
The Martyr Index | Mazzy Star |
Melt Banana | Memory as
Perfection | Merzbow |
Mirah | Misery Index |
Mohinder | Monster X | Most Precious Blood | Motorhead | Mountain Goats | Mr. Lif | Murdock | My Name is
- Neil Perry | The Network | 1905 | Ninja Death Squad | Not From China
- The Oath | Of Death | 108 | One Last
Wish | One Reason | Operation Cliff
Clavin | Operation Ivy | Otophobia | Orchid
- The Panthers | Parallax
View | Mike Patton [2] | Peterbuilt | Phobia | Pig Destroyer | Pintsize |
Pitfall! | Plague Thy
Child | Plate Six | Portraits of Past |
Prayer for Cleansing
- Q and Not U | The Queers | Quest for Qintana
- s
- Racebannon | Racetraitor | Radiohead |
Ramona Forever | Rat in a Bucket | Reagan Youth | Requiem |
Robotnicka | Robots Don't Cry
| Rudiments | Ruination |
- Sadiya | Sail | Sainte Catherines | Saeitia | Sbitch | The Scaries | Scrotum Grinder | Searching for Chin | Seven Days of
Samsara | Severed Head of State | Shogun | The Show is the Rainbow |
Shyster | Since By Man | The Sissies |
Skewbald | Skitsystem | The Slackers | Society of Friends aka the Quakers |
Sometime Walking, Sometimes Running | Song of Zarathustra | Spazz | Spitboy | Spread the Disease | Staircase |
Stalingrad | Still Life | Stillwell | Stop It!! | Strike Anywhere | Strikeforce Diable
| Strong Intention | Structure of Lies | Struggle | Subsist | Superchunk | Suppression |
Sutek Conspiracy | Swarm | Swing Kids | System 2600 |
- Tale of Genji
| Tana'ri | Tenaciuous D | This Bike is a Pipe Bomb | Tidal |
Tigerbomb | Tight Bros. from Way Back When | To Dream of Autumn | Total Shutdown | Trial By Fire | The Troublemakers | True North |
Tyranny of Shaw
- Undying | Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A
Start | The USA is a Lying Fucking Monster | Usurp Synapse
- V for Vendetta | Vitamin
- Wafflehouse | Wage of Sin | Tom Waits | Walken | Wastoid | The Wednesdays |
Welcome to the Plague Year | What Happens Next? | What the Kids Want! | Where There are Ghosts | White
Mice | The Wives | Wolfpack | The
Wolves | World Burns to Death | World Inferno Friendship Society | The
Wrangler Brutes
- Yaphet Kotto | The Yellow
Press | You and I
- [first three albums] Zao | Zohn Zorn | Zumm